1. New Player Suggestions for Server

    first of all, sorry for my bad english.

    i have been playing for 2 days by now. and the server looks fine.

    the only 2 issues that i encounter is the 4h long Q to join it and the lack of use of the dungeon Q.

    the second issue is the lack of dungeon Q. at lest a low levels not sure if in high level is the same. (but at high level probably you already are in a guild and make a group for dungeon out of it.) but some players like me want to see even the old content of the game, enjoy the raid from the beginning.

    i suggest idk, maybe increases the reward in low level dungeons to give people a reason to do it. like in retail that dungeons is the best way to level and gear up from the begging.

    all this is just suggestion that i think will make the new players feels good starting on the server.
    Edited: September 11, 2019 Reason: Remove parts against suggestion rules

  2. Queue is there because everybody wants to play at the same time, and there are limits. Getting a premium account (one time $10 donation) lets you skip the queue forever.

    And low level dungeon queue is empty because Icecrown is x7, people level up way faster. It gets more active at 70+ because there are people queueing for RDF Normal and leveling slows down at that point. Making rewards better won't speed up the leveling to be faster than x7 quests.
    When you queue, do a few quests you're already over the level range for that queue, so you leave queue, requeue and start it over.

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