1. Tips and tricks for bypassing currently broken mechanics

    As most of you have noticed, there's been a series of bugs occurring this week that hugely affect gameplay. This post is intended as a "heads-up" for anybody that hasn't experienced the bugs yet. Might save you a good amount of time reading this:

    1. Leaving vehicles will render you immobile. This includes: Argent Mounts/Oculus dragon/Abomination on PP encounter/Ulduar vehicles/SotA vehicles.
    Quick fix: If you're out of combat, logout and cancel the 20 second countdown. If you're in combat, do a /reload. Get ready to instantly /reload when the 2cd transition ends on PP and tell your paladins to get ready to hop in case the person doing abom gets targeted.

    2. Mind control on Lady encounter in ICC makes your character completely useless. I've noticed that the game thinks your character is in the same position you got mind controlled for the rest of the fight, regardless if you move or not. Some of the effects you'll experience after mind control include: Castable spells saying "Can't do that while moving", random spells saying "Your character needs to be facing the target", your character taking damage from spirits popped near the position where you got mind controlled (even if you're in a totally different location).
    Quick fix: Avoid doing lady hc if you're not heavily over-geared. Key is to push it before you get too many mind controls so you still have some people left to dps her. Try facing your character twords the middle of the room before mind controls so you can at least do instant cast spells and pray your group can push it fast enough.

    3. Gunship battle occasionally bugs, making players drop through the opposing ship.
    Quick fix: Make the tank jump first. If he doesn't fall, you should be fine. If he does, make your range dps jump on the far right part of the ship, near the last set of axe throwers. They should be safe to push the mage from there without taking agro on Varok.

    4. VoA doesn't drop Emblem of Frost's anymore.
    Quick fix: Completly avoid doing VoA if you're interested only in the emblems. It's a big waste of time if you don't need any loot.

    On a more friendly note: Minesweeper has been fixed. I've seen a couple of people getting it, so go get it while you have the chance.

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