1. Help Blackwing Den is closed

    Someone knows how I can enter the black-necked den dungeon, I have the search for the orb and when using the orb it tells me that the map cannot be loaded and when I walk across the portal it tells me ... this instance is closed ... .

  2. hi, The same thing happened to me.. its not only using the orb, if you try to enter normally through blackrock spire, once you try to enter the raid it says "instance is closed". I do Bwl weekly, but this is the first time this happens to me, so its a very recent bug. Please help, thx for reading.

  3. Did you do quest that unlocks that orb?

  4. Yes I did and I cannot enter from bouth sides.

  5. That worked for me last time I used it, which was like... 4 months ago or something. Idk if it's bugged now, well. you gotta wait 1 year for fix.

  6. You got a group to go there? i cannot find people who like to play classic instances. They just tell me go to outland

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