1. Char Sell price?

    Hi, i wanna sell one of my chars on wotlk Icecrown, but i have no idea what price should be ok sto sell it fairly fast, my suggested full inventory price right now is 306/220 eq only, can someone measured the price?

    Here os auction but is it rly worth it? http://armory.warmane.com/character/...ecrown/summary
    or should i put it without gear on 220.

    Are people even buying those characters?
    Edited: September 23, 2019

  2. People buy either naked characters for 30 coins or characters with some BiS items. All other gear adds too much to the price and has to be replaced eventually anyway, except BoE items that usually don't add anything to the price. If you really wanted to sell the character, your best chance would be selling it with only the weapon at the minimum price (around 46 coins). And check if the BoE items that you have (wrist and trinket) can be added without increasing the price. If you want to try getting more coins, you can add the 2 Wrathful items but that decreases the chance of someone actually buying it. Other than that, I don't see any items that someone would actually pay for.

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