1. Add NON pvp mode

    As title says add non pvp mode for 1x rate...im trying to level a character enjoy the open world , questing and stuff ...what do i get?? pk by players who are by lvl 20-60 more..levels above me...im talking here in stranglethorn. PLease just add a NON PVP mode where you have god mode againts other players..ik just want to level , im tired i keep die over and over and over..., i understand i get killed by players who level there but not fking 80 lvll....some people dont want pvp untill they are max..or they character can't do to much .. i just want to quest buddy , explore/quest

  2. been suggested many times, denied each and every time. it's a pvp server, pvp is going to happen whether you like it or not. quest in different zones (stv and tanaris should be avoided like the plague they are).

  3. As a new player i wonder, why do people roam around with max level characters one shotting low level players and killing quest npcs? And im not talking about one or two, stranglehorn and tanaris were packed with them... Are they trying to scare away new players?

  4. As a new player i wonder, why do people roam around with max level characters one shotting low level players and killing quest npcs? And im not talking about one or two, stranglehorn and tanaris were packed with them... Are they trying to scare away new players?
    No, those zones are basically the Tarren Mill of retail. Most of the leveling guides mention this or at least have alternatives listed.

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