1. Suggestion for Making Warmane Great Again!

    Hello people of the Warmane forums!

    I have a suggestion for how we can Make Warmane Great Again!
    For too long have noobs degraded the quality of the ingame experience. They are in our pugs, our BGs and our RDFs. They are basically everywhere, they could even be sitting and facing your monitor right now! The server needs to be cleansed for the superior playerbase to gain back our rightful place on the server. We want a server that is skilled, and on par with the leetness that we all have come to expect from Warmane servers.

    In concrete, my suggestion is this:
    When we encounter noobs in the game that do noobish things, we screenshot and explain situation, and their character name, and put it on a list of individual cases in an open forum thread. We then have an open chat session where the individual cases are examined and discussed by an elected, privileged jury that will lay out the abstracts for each case, discuss them and then open the chat for everyone to pitch in their arguements. When a concensus has been reached, the jury will make their verdict, and the player will be banned. The entire chat session will be streamed and archived on Twitch for referencal purposes.

    This will obviously take a very long time, but I believe it will be worth it in the end, to have a clean and leet server, where everyone can have fun, without noobs sabotaging the game experience with their noobish noobness.

    Make Warmane Great Again! #BanAllNoobs

    (I know I'm breaking CoD, but I believe in the right of making harmless jokes, but this is also why I posted this in the off-topic, rather than the actual suggestion forum. Thank you and have humor.)

  2. I agree. This can be a sure-fire way to get rid of all those people who don't know the game well enough to know what they should and should not roll on. How dare they not have an intimate knowledge of the game before playing it!

  3. I know right!? At least watch some guides on youtube or something, rather than just playing the game to enjoy it.

  4. I totally agree. In addition, I think that warmane should turn off all kinds of dungeons, raids, battlegrounds as well as any NPCs that will promote player-to player interactions, such as auctioneers. Afterall, noone will have bad time or bad experience on server if they don't have any experiences at all while they're there. /s

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