I've just hit level 80 with my orc warrior with around 2k GS. I've searched the web and found out I need a lot of gold so I can buy gear to 3.5k. I randomly asked for some gold help since I only had about 700 after purchasing all the crap gear that I bought just for GS, suddenly a tauren named Zarlax gives me 1000 gold and I was super surprised, next thing I asked him was "how do I get 3.5k GS", the legend just turned and bought some items just enough so I can be 3.5k
AFTER that he gave me more gold.

I am truly amazed by this person, and I wanted my first post on the forum to be about this legend.
One day when I have a good amount of money on my name I will find him and give him the prize for being the legend that he is.

wish him the best.

"Good Luck Solider of the horde" - Zarlax