1. question about prot pvp

    Hello guys, i am a newbie to wow and also prot warrior. I leveled one in different server an arms warrior and now because of this server is x1 i m leveling with prot warrior. I totally fell in love with it. I read some prot pvp guides but im not sure if it is viable or not? Because im 62 lvl now and soon or later i will try to have bis items and prepare myself for proper pvp. right now sometimes i crit with revenge 2300 damage to warlocks or mages and they are dying. it is so funny that they cannot kill me but i can single shot them sometimes. those 0 resill and block value prot warriors are talking about shield slam crit but im not sure about that. What do you guys tell me? I am really open for all ideas. If u guys say it is waste of time for prot pvp just tell me. Also i love to see some trick and end game suggestions end where to find them? My jewelcrafting level 340 atm. Also you can give me some trick about that too?

  2. Level 80 isn't like level 62 (prot is fun in pvp sure but is it better than arms? no)

  3. With proper gear (you'll have to donate for it) prot is very viable in PvP. Arms performs over all better but that doesn't mean that prot is any weak. You can also achieve a high rating as prot when you play Prot + Hpala in 2s or Prot + hunter + Hpala in 3s.

  4. With proper gear (you'll have to donate for it)
    No you don't. You can get the same gear by raiding. Don't mislead him like there are some custom items available only by donating.

  5. So i understand this if i raid so much and get the best gear and also get honor to best pvp items then i can make difference in arena and bg wit prot. With arms i have to collect honor only and arena points after that to make my gear best. in overall arms is the best spec to pvp in wotlk. I am in loarderon even i knew that donation doesnt grant me any item. btw i know 62 is not like 80 but it seems fun to play with prot. i have 2 friends one retrip one discpiest. we are thinking to play 2v2s and 3v3s after 80. What do you say about these comps? Come on guys infrom me im noob if you are saying prot is just for fun go play arms improve yourself results will be better i will do it. If you are saying prot is powerful like arms nothing different. i will give a try. raiding and getting bis items for a spec is not a easy task that's why i want to be sure.

  6. Just look at this video one of the warmane players made and see for yourself what prot warrior is capable of:


    But even then arms will be better for 2v2 arenas, because of the -50% heal effect from mortal strike and high amounts of resillience (prot have close to none, because he needs PVE items to have this kind of dmg). Nevertheless when I say better, I mean really high ratings, which you won't probably get to anyway, because as you stated before you aren't experienced player.

    So my advice is - don't force yourself to play something you don't want to. You want to rock with prot? Go for it.

  7. So i understand this if i raid so much and get the best gear and also get honor to best pvp items then i can make difference in arena and bg wit prot. With arms i have to collect honor only and arena points after that to make my gear best.
    If you want to be BiS as Arms you'll also have to get plenty of PvE gear but Arms still performs better in full pvp gear than Prot does.
    So or so you'll have to spend more play time with PvE than with PvP if you want to get proper gear for arena as a Warrior.

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