1. New player choice servers


    I’m currently playing wow classic but it’s really too time-consuming leveling level I don’t have enough time ...
    At the time I played ad vitam aeternam version wotlk and I loved it.
    I saw that there is an exp bonus of x7 means what? When 2 weeks I can be 80 without too much forced ?
    Which server is pve wotlk with the most people (end if there are still people)?
    I want really just go to HL PVE and don't take 1 month for 80 levels .
    The server Icecrown is full ? I see latency 126 ms he is full bug ? This latency is so big !

    Thank you for your answers:).

  2. That's terrible English but from what I managed to understand here's some answers.
    ×7 means that you will receive ×7 experience that you would usually get from quests, NPCs, etc. You can be 80 in 2-3 days if you play it for the whole day.

    Icecrown and Lordaeron are PvP+PvE servers, while Blackrock is PvP only.

    Icecrown has the most people (12k) with a queue to enter the server which is bypassed by donating. Otherwise you'll need to wait for an hour or 2.
    Lordaeron doesn't have a queue and is tuned to have harder PvE content - boss health bigger, damage higher. It maintains a decent population of around 5-6k during week and up to 9k during weekends.

    None of the servers have overwhelming amount of bugs, it's 90% working if not more. Better than your average private server atleast. 120 ms is still decent, but it's caused mostly due to big population.

  3. Thank you for your answer and sorry for my english

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