1. Shadowmourne VS Oathbinder HC

    Hi, so i've got my hands on a Arms Warrior fully bis except Smourne.. Instead of smourne the toon has Oathbinder.. 6500 gs atm.. So the question is, will i notice a big difference if donating for smourne? Only PvP wise, idc about PvE.. Will i do plenty more DPS or not?

    Noticed also that there's many top ranked 2s warriors that dont have smourne.. So i guess oathbinder is completly fine?

  2. Shadowmourne hits harder, higher weapon dmg plus strength proc. Oathbinder however gives tons of agility, thus more crit and dodge. Crit is good on war but honestly I don't know where to draw the line where you are "crit capped" in PvP and is just plain better go for strength/arp/atk everything else.

    Imho SM is overall better, but not by much. It costs more than 6 Oathbinders, but ofc is not 600% better, more like 10-15%, so it's heavily overpriced.

  3. If you have coins to spend and have the opportunity to choose between full BiS with Oath or naked with SM+WF shoulders+STS+DBW, go for the second option by all means. If you already have the character with the first option, upgrading to Shadowmourn won't make a huge difference until ~2.2k mmr

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