1. WotLK 3.3.5 Arpen capped bis unholy dk build


    Guide below here


    Arpen = Item
    114 = Shadowmourne 284 ilvl
    +114 crit
    106 = t10 head 277 ivl
    +114 crit
    106 = t10 chest 277 ivl
    +122 crit
    0 = t10 gloves 277 ivl
    +90 crit
    +82 hit
    82 = t10 shoulders 277 ivl
    +90 crit
    0 = t10 pants 277 ivl
    +122 crit
    +106 expertise
    78 = vali 25hc belt 277 ivl
    +85 crit
    65 = eof cape 264 ivl
    +45 expertise
    (Note if you are orc you can replace with heroic winding sheets from festergut and gem for the 65 arpen extra)
    0 = RS boots 284 ilvl
    +81 hit
    +97 crit
    65 = RS neck 284 ivl
    +73 crit
    60 = Might of blight 277 ivl
    +68 crit
    0 = ICC rep ring 277 ilvl
    +59 hit
    +59 crit
    56 = RS 10 heroic bracers 271 ilvl
    +64 crit
    167 = DBW 277 ilvl
    184 = STS 284 ilvl
    1083 total arpen

    Glyphs and Talents:
    Without reaping

    With reaping

    IT = Icy touch
    PS = Plague strike
    SS = Scourge strike
    BS = bulls...i mean Blood strike
    Pes= Pestilence
    DC= Death coil
    Opener: IT + PS + SS + BS + Pestilence (or blood strike your choice, only put an opener for people who don't know the obv)
    After a pestilence refresh

    w/o reaping rotation
    SS + SS + BS + BS
    SS + SS + BS + Pes + death coil until runes come back

    12 Scourge strikes a minute
    9 blood strikes a minute
    3 Pestilence a minute

    With reaping rotation
    SS + SS + SS
    SS + SS + BS + Pes + death coil until runes come back

    15 Scourge strikes a minute
    3 blood strikes a minute
    3 Pestilence a minute

    Helpful tips:
    1). Note you can get 85 arpen from elixir and food buff
    And 20 all stats from guardian elixir
    2). If you are orc you MIGHT be able to reliably replace the cape with winding sheets heroic and gem for the remaining arpen

    Boots +12 hit/crit
    Hands +20 hit
    (rest of the chants are proper/normal enchants)

    Gem for:
    242 arpen (if you can manage to use arpen food buff + arpen elixir and all stats elixir)
    (0 if orc) 29 expertise if not orc
    9 hit from gems

    8x +20 arpen reds,
    1x +32 arpen red,
    4x arpen/strength
    1x arpen/hit gem
    6 gems of your choice

    Gear socket colors:
    9 red
    8 yellow
    2 blue
    1 free
    20 total sockets

    Gems left:
    9x gems of your choice for socket bonus/etc

    Gem sockets:21 (12 used, 9 free for your choice)

    Total stats after all items (WITHOUT GEMMING):
    Arpen: 1083
    Hit rating: 254
    Expertise: 151

    Stat Caps
    Orc expertise cap: 137
    Expertise cap: 180
    Hit cap: 263

    Total stats after gems:
    Arpen: 1315 (+85 from food + elixir) =1400 cap
    Hit rating: 264 (1 over)
    Expertise: 151 (overcapped if orc, a bit under if not)

    Benefits of arpen cap on unholy dk?
    Due to the arpen cap you should specialize your rotation and build around this arpen cap instead as diseases will be the cherry on top of your damage instead of half the damage.

    Scourge strike = 100% arpen affected
    If critted will do 230% base damage multiplied by 1.2 from viscous strikes then by 1.36 (the 36% shadow damage is based on the physical so that's indirectly affected by arpen) for a total of 375.36% of the base damage on the innitial ability.

    Blood strike = 100% arpen affected, not a major part of regular unholy dk but will be 2nd highest priority with arpen cap. With crits from high crit chance this will do A LOT of damage.

    Necrosis = 100% arpen affected, extra damage added on-top of your auto attacks (AA) and adds 20% more damage

    Blood-caked Strikes (BCS) = 100% arpen affected, pure raw physical damage

    Auto Attack = 100% arpen affected, simply swinging your weapon does 30% or so of your damage with original build, it will do even more with arpen cap

    Gargoyle = unaffected by arpen, strength still affects this a lot and strength is on all gear, unfortunately haste only affects weapon swings, gargoyle, ghoul (i think unsure), and doesn't speed up your diseases. We will forego haste for arpen but gargoyle will still do a lot of damage.

    Blood plague = unaffected by arpen, strength still affects this a lot and strength is on all gear, this is extra damage and in the original build does poor single target dps anyways

    Frost Fever = unaffected by arpen, strength still affects this a lot and strength is on all gear, this is extra damage and in the original build does poor single target dps anyways

    Death coil = unaffected by arpen, strength still affects this a lot and strength is on all gear, this is extra damage and in the original build does a good chunk of damage but only does 10-20% ish of your damage, averaged at about 15% AND requires extra talent points and even a glyph. Deathcoil doesn't do enough damage to warrant it as a main source of damage ALTHOUGH you should still spam it for extra damage and to use runic power. It also is a significant source of damage as it does well over 10% of your damage, and the glyph gives 15% more, morbidity gives 15% (10% in this build) more and unholy blight gives 10% more, so that's 40% more overall damage it can do. It's a very solid source of damage though.

    Death and Decay = Don't use for single target, aoe is nice

    Ghoul = unaffected by arpen, strength still affects this a lot and strength is on all gear, ghoul still does a ton of damage and you want to get a lot of strength for the ghoul. The less strength to get arpen cap takes a little bit of the damage away from ghoul to increase damage on SS(scourge strike) and BS(blood strike)
    Stats that affect the ghoul but is worth it.
    Strength = Yes
    Expertise = Yes
    Hit = Yes
    Crit = No
    Haste = no
    Arpen = No

    Guide above here

    So that's the whole build, guide, and everything.

    All in all I believe this sort of arpen cap build would work because of everything described in full details, it just all makes sense.
    Arpen would affect the majority of the damage.

    ******PLEASE NOTE THIS BUILD IS ENTIRELY EXPERIMENTAL, and this build was bis during patches when scourge strike shadow damage could crit (essentially double criting from the physical damage multiplier and shadow crit multiplier) and is now to be determined*******
    Edited: December 10, 2019

  2. What do you think about Reaping talent? And Scourge Strike Glyph - you can go one more rune refresh with it!

  3. @angrylol

    Scourge strike glyph is included

    As for reaping talent, the talent is a joke. If you use this talent you're definitely playing the game wrong.
    The 3 talent points would make your blood runes (that have a specific purpose in this build) be able to be used for anything but you still won't have anything to use the blood runes on except a potential scourge strike, HOWEVER you should still use 2 blood strikes as the 2 blood strikes would pull more dps anyways (100% arpen) essentially making them a waste of talent point.

  4. How so, you said it yourself, SS benefits from arp 100% too, even more with its shadow part boosted by other things on top of that.

    I have never ever seen 2xBS do more damage than 1xSS, just smacked some dummy BS average 4500, SS average 12000(shadow part included)

    So dropping SS glyph you can still get 5% up from BS and trade in 2 BS for 1 SS for 25%+ more damage, not to meantion getting free GCD to use horn for extra RP and even more dps or refresh bone shield or defencives with minor to no dps loss. Plus some 3% signle target dps gain if you use ghoul glyph.
    Edited: December 8, 2019

  5. On hc dummy BS crit ~6k DC crit ~8k, no point using this spec w/o Reaping, also SS glyph is useless i think cuz Icy talons have 20sec duration, so u will dps 10 sec w/o talons wich is a greate dps lose i think. P.S. sorry for my english

  6. @nicg1909
    Your english is poor, but enough to be understandable, so great job :D Keep studying and you'll write perfectly soon.

    As for your thoughts on icy talons, in the 3.3.5 patch icy talons is refreshed whenever your disease does damage, so you have nothing to worry about when considering losing dps. Also scourge strike does much more damage without armor pen cap than blood strike as bloodstrike is all physical, and scourge strike does a much higher base damage, even if we included reaping in this build, we would have to use only 1 or 2 points in reaping instead of 3 as a total of 3 would be a waste, and we would lose a bunch of damage on deathcoil. It's to be determinned but reaping tends to be a noob trap as it gives death runes that allow you to use whatever spells you want which is very much so what newbies want. More experienced players already have a set rotation in place so even with death runes they'll still use the runes for their innitial purpose

    @angrylol you don't make any sense to me, very confused, why would you even consider trading in scourge strike glyph, the idea is to get as many scourge strikes as possible, reaping might be a potentially viable talent and I might consider it as it would give you the 2 death runes for the rotation at 20 seconds into the diseases, resulting in an extra scourge strike before pestilence refresh at 30 seconds of the disease duration. The problem with reaping though is your diseases don't last long enough and it requires you use blood strike/pestilence at least once so you'll only get 1 additional scourge strike in the 2nd rotation of the 3 rotations before pestilence.

    again, reaping may potentially be a viable talent to take, however the build doesn't allow 3 points in it so it would result in a little bit of rng

  7. Because after you refresh with pestilence your diseases are up for 21 secs. After refresh with Reaping you can use death runes for bonus SS(instead of 2xBS) and refresh diseases on time when blood runes go off cd. There is no reason to get additional 9 secs from glyph. This way you ACTUALLY do more SS. 5 SS each cycle, instead of 4. Maybe SS glyph can be used to save 2 points from Epidemic and put them in ??? nothing useful I guess. And you gotta go 3/3 Reeaping or it wont work and deafeat the purpouse as converted death runes are set in stone to be used for extra SS.

    And why are you bothered losing bit damage on Death coil, which is really week already with arp build.
    Edited: December 8, 2019

  8. Do you actually realize that if you're trying to maximize the amount of SS per rotation REAPING is the way to go?
    Overall I've tested a lot of different builds for unholy, Arp unholy used to be a thing when Scourge Strike was a bit overtuned; today there's almost no difference between ARP vs STR unholy on single target but a gigantic difference in AoE.
    Short answer: if you like arp uh for some big SS crits go ahead, but the difference won't be as important to just cripple you AoE damage which is the part where unholy shines.

  9. @marfagor
    Your auto attacks, necrosis talent, blood cake strikes all benefit from the arpen greatly, and even shadowmourne proc benefits from the proc.

    Also the value of the additional armor pen (considering you'd have a ****ton of it just from going regular unholy bis) increases exponentially as you approach the arpen cap, so the extra arpen to reach the cap is much more valuable than you'd believe.

  10. Because after you refresh with pestilence your diseases are up for 21 secs. After refresh with Reaping you can use death runes for bonus SS(instead of 2xBS) and refresh diseases on time when blood runes go off cd. There is no reason to get additional 9 secs from glyph. This way you ACTUALLY do more SS. 5 SS each cycle, instead of 4. Maybe SS glyph can be used to save 2 points from Epidemic and put them in ??? nothing useful I guess. And you gotta go 3/3 Reeaping or it wont work and deafeat the purpouse as converted death runes are set in stone to be used for extra SS.

    And why are you bothered losing bit damage on Death coil, which is really week already with arp build.
    Your english is really bad so it's easy to confuse me but what you're trying to potray is reaping is an extremely good talent and I should fore-go the scourge strike glyph, so I can trade out the rotation to get 5 scourge strike, which is terrible.

    With the original rotation and glyphs you will have 6 scourge strike, and taking the 2 points in reaping would give a potential 7 scourge strikes. Blood strikes will still do a lot of damage if you don't get the death runes, and you're not factoring in that you can use the innitial rotation and every time you use pestielnce you'll go

    SS #1 SS #2 BS #1 BS #2, then SS #3, SS #4 then if you got at least 1 of the 2 blood runes into a death rune you can use your 1 minute cd for another death rune to make it 5 SS then 2 more SS BUT you can't do the 8th scourge strike because you HAVE to use pestilence to refresh the diseases at this point.

  11. You say this build can easily out dps regular unholy dk's in single target dps

    Can we get some proof?

  12. What I mean,
    Lets imagine that one "cycle" is from Disease refresh til next refresh, that is ~20 seconds
    During this time you can spend 4 blood runes, condition 4th blood rune is used to refresh diseases with pestilence(cycle repeats)
    With reaping you go 3/3 or dont even bother, because it will mess up the whole point of taking Reaping (using each second Blood pair(converted to Death) for Scourge Strike)

    So how it goes
    1. You just refreshed with Pestilence and hit with Blood strike, which converted both your blood into death runes with 3/3 Reaping
    2. u+f Scourge Strike x2
    3. 2 death runes Scourge Strike
    4. u+f Scourge Strike x2
    5. By the time your blood runes are off cd your diseases are about to run out and both are Blood runes since Scourge strike converted them back
    6. You refresh with pestilence and hit one Blood strike to keep up 5% Damage buff from Desolation talent
    go to step 1, repeat

    What you gain from this
    Each second pair of blood runes are converted into death runes and used for superior damage compared to what you can get from 2 blood runes
    Your Diseases are easy to keep on target, also Pestilence serves as conversion to death rune
    Your Desolation talent is 100% uptime with as less Blood Strikes as possible, and converts second blood rune to death, so it can be used for Scourge Strike

    With Glyph of SS
    your "cycle" becomes 30 seconds (and yes, you will lose Icy Talons, they last 21 seconds)
    thats 6 blood runes, condition that 6th is used for refresh
    6 scourge Strikes

    In 1 minute frame:
    3 usual cycles:
    3 x Pestilence
    9 x Blood Strike
    12 x Scourge Strike

    3 Reaping cycles:
    3 x Pestilence
    3 x Blood Strike
    15 x Scourge Strike

    2 glyph of SS cycles:
    2 x Pestilence
    10 x Blood Strike
    12 x Scourge Strike

    You say this build can easily out dps regular unholy dk's in single target dps

    Can we get some proof?
    Can't, this is just a fun exercise for bored people.
    Edited: December 8, 2019

  13. Normal unholy dk's dps is about 13k or so single target, scourge strike at arpen cap will be hitting for near 23k crits alone. I don't have the ability to test this build out myself, but the numbers don't lie. The dps of this build will more than likely outdps the original unholy dk build.

  14. disease last 15 seconds
    talents increase by 6 seconds
    glyph of scourge strike give 9 seconds
    Total time = 30 seconds

    What you're proposing is not using scourge strike glyph, which would negate many blood strikes. You're obsessed with reaping, however the talent is not as amazing as you make it out to be. The consideration of reaping would take unholy blight away,

    3x Virulence = Need
    2x Viscous strikes = Need
    5x Necrosis = Need
    2x Epidemic = Need
    3x Outbreak = Need
    3x Ravenous dead = Need
    2x Night of the dead = Need
    5x Impurity = Need
    1x Master of Ghouls = Need
    29/30 points to next talent so trade unholy blight for Reaping so Reaping x1
    5x Desolation = Need
    3x Crypt Fever = Need
    1x Boneshield = Need
    34/35 points to next talent so trade unholy blight or Morbidity for Reaping x2
    1x Scourge Strike = Need
    3x Ebon Plaguebringer = Need
    3x Wandering Plague = Need
    5x Rivendare = Need
    1x Summon Gargoyle = Need

    The only possibility is to get 2 points in reaping without trading an extremely valuable talent for the 3rd point in reaping, and arguably 1/3 for reaping is good enough as unholy blight might be considered too valuable to give up. Even with 2/3 for reaping you have a 8/9 chance to get at least 1 death rune and you can use your cooldown for the other death rune if you are unlucky.

    The end of the build is 3-15-53, with 2 points in reaping as spare points that are needed to get to the next talent level

  15. Also you can analyze the build and the trade-offs to see where the numbers lead

    Arpen > haste in this build, gargoyle will do less damage, ghoul is unnaffected, diseases are unnaffected, the dk will do more damage with abilities + autos and talents
    Crit = More crit in this build due to the items with crit/arpen beings used but overall crit will remain near the same
    Strength = Same if not more strength, outside of the trade-off for deaths choice/verdict to get death bringers will HC DBW > HC DC for unholy dk regardless
    So the trinkets are the same trinkets.
    373 arpen from gems/elixir/food
    -85 food + elixir (elixir gives 20 strength so about the same attack power but more strength = more ghoul damage)
    29 exp from gems (0 if orc)
    15 hit from gems

    so 310 strength in gems sacrificed to reach arpen cap and hit cap (if you're orc) which is more than likely to outdps the original build as the arpen affects quite a large majority of your overall damage, and you retain the majority of your original strength.

    At bis you will only sacrifice 310 strength (maybe a tad bit more if not bis, if you're not even close don't even think about this build) to reach arpen cap, and arpen's value is very high when approaching the cap, and considering this build re-routes the majority of your damage from spell damage unaffected by arpen to physical + shadow damage all affected by arpen, the majority of your damage will be affected by that 310 arpen. So even if this build falls short of delivering max dps, it will more than likely be on par or better for single target dps WITHOUT sacrificing almost any of it's aoe dps potential.

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