1. Make Xmog Scroll to drop only on Ulduar - Naxramas - Onyxia - Malygos

    I would like to suggest to make the xmog scroll to drop only on instance like Ulduar, Naxramas, Onyxia, Eye of Eternity., with these it might create a farming raid-group on global. To tired to see ICC TOC25 and RS25 normal... Also it may make the old Instance livelier.. What you think guys?
    -pardon my bad english.

  2. I think it would be nice, and if someone have to say "but it will be easier" then the put down the rate % of drop, but yeah it would be nice to see other old instances being doable again

  3. Sure. Though, this would affect TOC. That's an issue. I believe introduction of something new exclusive to these raids would be better.

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