1. Wanted to share some of my cool addons. Not typical ones.

    As title states, will share of the cool addons that I currently use. Some of them really do not have much of a purpose but fun! Some of them might be fairly common, dunno, but still. Things such as GS/Atlas/Healbot/other common UI are obviously not included.

    Unable to provide links, but all of them are either WoWinterface or Curseforge.

    1. AFKCam - Simple. Rotates your camera 360 degrees while you afk and hides UI. Once you come back to your PC after a long poop, it looks pretty!

    2. AllStats - Addon that puts all Character stats on the right side, instead of the being at the bottom. No longer need to use drop down to find Defense/Caster/Melee and rest.

    3. AltTabber - keeps playing sounds when alt-tabbed.

    4. APeonsBurden - Says "Job's Done" in WC3 style when quest objective is completed!

    5. CrapAway & AutoRepair - Sells all grey junk & repairs all gear (if possible) automatically.

    6. XLoot - Makes Need/Greed/Pass and count down prettier. Also shows how many people pressed Need/Greed/Pass.

    7. XPHud - A little box on the screen that shows next zone by level suggestion.

    8. XToLevel - Simply calculates how many more of Mob X you need to kill to achieve level / or quest. (Of the same type)

    9. GTFO - Simply sounds out alert noises when you stand in AoE.

    10. ESBG = Error Sounds Be Gone - Removes annoying error sounds.

    11. MMBF = Minimap Button Frame - Puts all your addon buttons into a seperate box rather than around the already cluttered Minimap. Works with SexyMap.

    12. PinksHideActionbarGryphons - Removes Gryphon icons from Right and Left side of the action bars. (Useless if you use Bartender or something).

    13. RankWatch - Notifies you or other players if they use Underranked spells. Super useful if you dual spec while leveling .

    14. RatingBuster - Instead of simple +10 crit, it will also white +0.1% crit (just as example)

    15. QuestItemBar - Creates its own little window that lists only quest items. I use so i dont have to drag out quest item onto my bars or find it thru backlogged quest log

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