1. Call To Arms Achievement and For The Great Honor! Dissabled.

    My suggestion is simple, enable the quest for the achievement by making it require a win of the certain battleground.
    I really don't see why it is disabled.

  2. Call to Arms quests were replaced with RBG system. Those quests are not even supposed to be obtainable in this patch. The achievement was also not doable during this patch on retail.

    I think a better suggestion would be to make battleground wins count for the achievement when queuing for specific battleground while call to arms is active for it in RBG system.

    And those quests should be removed not changed to make them work. You already get the bonus honor from RBG system, which was never intended to work together with the quest. If both were enabled, you would get twice the intended bonus honor.

  3. I'm open to anything personally. I want the achievement and I think it should be accessible for us.

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