1. my account got hacked help me plz

    i got a notification on my phone saying that my password was changed so i tried to login and indeed it was changed than i went to the website i changed it and i got a random password from warmane but when i logged in i found that my account now have a two factor authentication which i never did so i removed it with my email and when i logged ingame i found that 15 k gold is gone from my character in frostmourn and 2k in lorderon and some good items , he didnt delete any of my charcters thankfully i have the ip of the guy that changed my password since its in my email but idk if thats helpful at all since he could be just using a vpn can you guys help me? recover my stuff or anything? can an admin see to what charcter he mailed my stuff to?

  2. No, we don't recover what gets stolen or deleted, unless it was items acquired using Coins from donations made by the account.

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