1. Hello

    First off, wow what a thriving community, seems that Warmane has some special sauce with a magical outcome. But it's nice to see a thriving community and excites me coming in for the first time.

    So down to business. I am from the US in Florida of all places, and have been playing World of Warcraft before the "World" existed at all as most of you have too I am sure. I will admit WOTLK holds a very special place in my heart and was one of the most popular expansions, clearly still holds true according to the numbers of players here.

    I am no young spring chicken age wise, but I am also not so old I need that button you push when you need assistance HAHA. OK maybe it is not that funny since that day is coming up faster and faster since the years just fly by. But I will leave it to your imaginations to guess how old I am.

    Ok now more about in game. I rolled Horde, I have always had a special place in my soul for the Horde. I went with the name Dagu on an Orc Warrior because everyone as a DPS warrior Orc has the best racial's with the increased Expertise for Axes and Blood Fury which is really a great skill.

    I am also going to need a home with a great guild. I am big into PvP & PvE and also enjoy having others to socialize with. I can only speak English unfortunately so I would prefer a guild that mostly speaks English, but would love a variety of culture because it is really fun to talk about other places on earth one has never been.

    If you made it this far then either I am really that interesting or you are just a truly kind person hahaha.

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