1. What rating does the rating start losing?

    I have played 3vs3 Solo queue for about 40 games and rating has never decreased yet for lose match.

    So the question is. From what rating does the rating start decreasing for losing match?

  2. 1500 is the neutral rating. Hence you can get up to 1,5 k even if you have a terrible win/loss ratio. If i recall correctly then arena teams started from 1500 in TBC, but in wotlk they start from 0, but 1500 is the REAL zero.

  3. Basically you can get to like 1,8 k with 50/50 ratio and after that you need to start winning more than losing.

  4. Even at 1.8+ you can climb even by losing more than winning. It all depends which mmr the opposite teams have. If you have 1.8+ mmr and you do 5-10 against a 2.2 mmr team you will win more rating.

    And for the screenshot of OP, you won't lose any rating until you reach 1000 rating.

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