1. Fury Warrior or Retribution Palladin

    Good Day everyone!
    Which one of that classes will be better for Main DPS spec in PvE? Fury Warrior or Retribution Palladin?
    And also like offspec-tank?
    Who will be easy find raid, who more needed in raids now?
    Server Icecrown

    Thank You for answer.

  2. Fury>ret, and they are both consistent in raids so expect big rushes of them in reach raid. You gonna always have a spot but 10000 people gonna want it.

  3. Both are needed.
    With fury your deal is to top dps, stack sunders, drop some demoralizing shouts and keep up health buff. You can climb ranks by just smashing real good.

    With retri to get somewhere you need to see whole raid, know when stuff happens(hands, aura mastery), dps wise your numbers will be lower with same 5 buttons as fury. But the raid support is where its at and you gotta get good with that stuff to climb ranks in your guild.

    Both ways will get you invited.

    If you plan to occasionally pug go for fury, because there is no difference between retri who is pressing 5 buttons and one who knows his stuff. It's even other way around since you lose some dps doing what you are supposed to do with retri.

  4. Both things Overloard99 and angrylol said are true, but in the last at least 8 pug 25m raids I've seen 1 (ONE, ****ING ONE) fury warrior doing sunder armor, and 0 salvations, freedoms or sacrifices. Just having to ask for a ****ing might 18 times is evidence enough that 98 out of 100 paladins are complete and utter morons around here.
    Play whichever one you want, you can easily match the rest of them. It's all the same if all you do is tunnel dps.

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