Im a long time player on warmane, been playing since molten with a few breaks in between but im looking to start back if I can find a guild that is extremely active or at least has several raids/ activities going on throughout the day. I know this is far fetched given the nature of the server but if there is a guild of anyone that might be interested in something like this please reach out and we can maybe start something.

A little about myself; I've been playing wotlk since 2010. I am well versed in most classes having experience raiding with most classes and roles so I know all of the pve encounters in this expansion. I have been playing pvp as an unh dk and pala for a number of years as well so Im experienced in arenas as well.

If your guild is recruiting and you would like me to join feel free to pm or drop a comment

My characters - bis fdk/6.2 tank /6.2 pvp
- bis rdudu/boomkin
- 6.1 spriest/disco
- 6k mage
- 5k tank pala
- 5k hunter
- 5k warlock