I made my custom addon to decide what to say about certain things, and one thing is obviously when I get interrupted or I interrupt.

First: I noticed it doesn't work all the times, sometimes it fails in arena. I think it's because of the cross-realm feature that has the name of the player kinda messed up (like "Warriorx-Icecrown"). Even though I rely on the UnitGUID instead of the name, to determine if the kick was enemy or friendly, it still fails sometimes. And I don't use the "32" flag which determines the school of the spell (Nature/Holy), so I announce every kick even on the fire/frost school for example.
Second: The Penance. I looked for this issue everywhere, never found a reply or a reason why this doesn't work.

In fact, when you interrupt Penance, in the combat log there is no "SPELL_INTERRUPT" event so I don't know how to announce the Penance interruption.
Any suggestion?
Thanks, greetings.