1. Tired of standard mount

    Is there any mount that's easy to farm and looks fine ? Im tired to ride my undead horse.

  2. Farm zul'gurub 2 bosses
    Farm Karazhan 1st boss
    Farm Stratholme mount (East gate entrance)
    Farm Magisters terrace on heroic
    Farm Toc25/10 mount, although it's very very hard to get because everybody rolls. Same goes for Onyxia, The eye raid, Satharion 25/10 mounts,etc.
    Farm Oculus dungeon
    Farm Stratholme (wotlk one)
    and more.

  3. You can also farm ToC daily quests for cool other faction mounts

  4. You could complete the quests in the starter zones for other factions. (ie valley of spears / durotar for the wolf mounts) Doesn't take too long to get exalted.

  5. Lol mount farming. Welcome to hell bro.

  6. You can also get any factions mount for 50k honor near the hall of legends in orgrimmar for horde

  7. You COULD do the Argent Tournament (If it's fully scripted on WoTLK) you'll need to do dailies but you'll end up with Selieks horse. Admittedly it's still an undead horse model but hear me out, okay? It's in WHITE. Pretty amazing I know.

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