1. Auto loot delay, and low-quality floating text

    Currently playing WOTLK on Lordaeron, and I have a few issues:

    1. the floating damage text when I hit an enemy is lower quality and pixelated even though I have all my settings at ultra.

    2. for auto-looting a mob, I have to wait a second or two before looting it or the auto loot doesn't work

    3. my ping is super high (200ms), I live in California.

    4. my character portrait is super zoomed into the face. is this normal, or can I fix this with an addon of sorts?

    Is any of this fixable?

  2. 1. It's either an addon or game thing, back in 2010 they didn't know about high resolution textures or fonts.
    2. Second or two is a lot, I mostly have to wait for about as high as my ping is, so 50-90ms.
    3. You're both far away from the server and you might be playing in the peak times sometimes so the server is really struggling. You're in California, server is hosted in France, I forgot the exact city/town, but it's in France, pretty far away.
    4. idk, sounds new to me, probably an addon or you're just expecting retail like frames and it's old school here.

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