1. Every second 2k exp player will be duelist now and w/e. what are these awards over 1.6k soloq is gonna be glad/duelist. please change this so icecrown doesnt get filled with titles that in the past were entitled to only really good players.

    if this gets implemented, every person will be running around with titles that are from now on useless, ty.

  2. I like the new ones much better than old ones, older ones we first gold told was dumb, as u would get those from regular BGs
    Just curious to how they will implement. Server wide or just each realm for the 30-10-1%s

  3. Really? duelist for 2k soloq? come on.. Rank1 2v2 = 2k soloq? what a joke...

    Just change it, it makes no sense.

  4. Warmane please do something about it, either change duelist from soloQ to challenger or justicar title OR change rank1 2v2 to gladiator or something.

  5. and when they back wich hours i mean?

  6. Okay so. I finished r1 but same rating with ( exyth ) .. Who will gonna get r1 tittle? How the rules work? Does we both take it or what?

  7. how much time it will take for restart servers ?

  8. What time you will put online server plizz telll me bcs i dont know what too do <3

  9. hmm the whole server has duelist,rival,challenger title now! Great job.

  10. hmm the whole server has duelist,rival,challenger title now! Great job.
    ye, true.

    Picking "duelist" title for top 30% of soloq have not been a good idea

    1. Because duelist was rare since it is for top 3 of 2vs2
    2. Because duelist also grant challenger and rival title/Achi

  11. Also, I did not get the reason to give separate rewards even for soloq.

    I understand when it comes for for 2s and 3s (since blackrock players dominate the ladder usually).
    But for Soloq you get as partner players from all the realm (so, if you are from icecrown/lordaeron you get Blackrock people as partner as well...)

  12. Gratz half of warmane top 3 2s title)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) U all professional now

  13. So, is any GM gonna react to this? Did you just **** up all value any title below Gladiator had? Or are u gonna fix that somehow now? People tryhard 2v2 to get 2600 Rating for Duelist, and you add it to every second Player that achieved 2k in Soloq. There is no point of pushing 2s now anymore. Also it made 3s useless, besides youre getting Gladiator.

  14. Lets talk reality/logic here.

    You can get Merciless Gladiator/Supreme/Gladiator/Warbringer/Duelist/Rival/Challenger from Solo Q with RATING WAY less needed than what is needed to in 2s / 3s.

    Yet again you can't buy neither shoulders nor 2.2k weapons from Solo queue.

    You can get rival around 1750 rating 3v3. before even getting your 1.8k weps. ( you get a title which used to be worth of 2.2k back in retail with 1750 rating, in a server way less populated than retail servers. which means it should be harder. yet it is ten times if not more, far easier)

    Which means the value of 264 / 270 PVP gear is actually WAY higher than prestige pvp titles right now.

    you need the equivalent of 2.7k in 2v2 ( or even higher ) to GET something from Solo Q which requires 1950. NOT TO MENTION you actually get the lesser titles along the way ( MORE REWARDS )

    I am not sure what is your business model is based of right now. but all this would lead to right now :

    -Kill 2v2 Queue

    -Less Shadowmourne Donations. ( who would play Hpala/Warr anymore ? yes the queue sucks and we all know it. but the problem is MAINLY with the meta. change it to 264 meta for 2v2 to be able to queue. Do not punish players for pushing rating above 2.5k ) so simply why i would bother with shadowmourne anymore ?

    -More Wrathful Shoulders Donations ( the thing with 3v3 it was not attractive last season. forcing others queue to become obselete / less attractive WHILE Marketing Solo Queue AS AN ALTERNATIVE for rewards is meh. and simply wrong. i will donate those shoulders and get all my titles AND MORE like Supreme / Warbringer from Solo Q without playing a single legit arena match on this server.)

    -Less 3v3 Queue ( Do i need to explain why ? i wrote it down above and you could figure out the rest)

    -Titles will hold absolutely no value, Since every guy on this server got them right now. in fact gear ( shoulders / 2.2k weps ) hold more value right now.

    If you want me to furthermore address how you can fix this as part of constructive criticism. I am willing to.

    But i am pretty sure you have individuals in your team capable of doing so. other than the guy who came up with this absolute tragedy mess.

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