1. What gear for PVP ? Pve gear really best for pvp ?

    New player here.

    I see people in many posts say in WOTLK PVE gear is better for pvp than pvp gear. But if I do that then I will have zero resilience,so are all these people just full if crap ?

    What gear is best for doing pvp ?

    Thank you for your answer

  2. Balance it.
    PVE gear gives you better damage.
    PVP gear gives you better survivability.
    Plate classes like warrior, dk and paladin really like a lot of PVE parts for more damage then gem for additional resilience.
    Rogues can go full PVE just to burst people in BGs, but that's not the best idea for Arenas.
    Clothers are pretty much forced to go mostly PVP because they have very low armor and melee DPS will do insane damage otherwise.
    Healers almost always go full PVP because they get focused the most. If you're healing, you probably want to go full PVP.
    And weapons, PVE weapons are almost always the better choice.

  3. So what exact mix of gear should I get for my warrior and paladin ?

  4. For exact full BIS lists check out guides for them in their respective subforums here http://forum.warmane.com/forumdisplay.php?f=129 and here http://forum.warmane.com/forumdisplay.php?f=120

    TL;DR: 5/5 PVP Set, rest PVE, gem reseilience up to ~1k

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