1. What class should i rise?

    I am new here, i come from retail and i donate 20$ for 22 coins so i want to get and instant level boost because i hate leveling.

    I am a bit confused of what class should i to rise.

    I am a class good in pvp and pve , more in pvp, arenas, bgs, but i would like to do some pve too.

    I am thinking about priest, pala, rogue and dk.

    Which should i rise ? which is more op ? which is the funniest?

  2. Chose Unholy DK or Retri pala.
    Instead of insta level up buy yourself a 284 HC weapon for 23C, cause leveling here is super easy and fast.

  3. You get to use the weapon even though you're not 80?

  4. I would suggest trying the classes out on the blackrock server (instant 80, free gear) so you can get a feel for which style you like in PvP.

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