1. Addiction with social media

    A family member is showing symptoms of addiction with phone use. I have heard of weekend restriction and password change. How should we as a family address this? Help appreciated!


  2. if it's a kid, take the phone. if it's an adult talk to them.

  3. If the phone was supplied, and the data plan is payed for, then simply cancel the plan and take the phone.

  4. - Turn off all notifications.
    - Decide how many hours a day you really do want to spend on social media, and schedule them.
    - Buy a program that blocks those sites on your computer, except during the hours you schedule.
    - Recognize that you WILL miss some stuff, because of this. But also recognize that it is OK to not know every single thing that everyone you know posts.
    - Pick a number of hours a day that you will not use the computer.
    - Use the same program to make the computer unavailable to you during those hours.
    - Never have your phone out and in view, when your are with other people. Keep it in your pocket or bag. Pay attention to the people you are with. Recent research showed that even having the phone in view, reduced the closeness of the interaction of the people in real life.

    Such programs are created for parents to make sure their children are having a balanced life, reading books, seeing other humans, joining clubs, taking care of the house, getting exercise, and generally not having their face in a screen too often. But cbd oral spray can be used by anyone who wants to improve their life, due to spending too much time on social media (or any other screen-related addiction).
    Edited: March 18, 2020

  5. Anything drastic is bad. From all to nothing is bad.
    The reason person is on the phone is because there is nothing better for that person to do. (in their mind)

    Addicts, in every form and shape, need some form of rehab. Rehab works in a way to gradually lower doses and substitute it to something manageable, while also providing other activities as a filler.

    Go to a Disney park if its a kid. More time out as a family. Get the person more involved around the house. Delegate more responsibilities. Do things together.
    - Take the person along to do grocery shopping. Give them the list to lead the way.
    - Go out together to do some garden/garage work.
    - Perhaps, show them some interesting Youtube science channels.

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