1. Shammy vs dudu for PvE healer

    Hey, I just wanna hear some opinions here :) Its time to make an healer, I think about resto sham and resto dudu. Id be happy to hear what You guys think about them, we are talking about icc/rs 10/25 norm and heroic. What are their pros and cons, who is easier, more desirable, maybe better overall? :)

  2. From my experience take shaman because in the end raid will go with 3 heals, hpal-disc-rsham in icc.

  3. Both are good - Druid is better for pure aoe healing,shamans are more versatile and are giving better raid buffs.

  4. Druid is best aoe healer but probably weakest at tank healing. Shaman is good across the board but not the best at any particular thing. Problem is if you have hpala(s) on tank healing, your value diminishes. If you want to dual-spec shaman is a terrible choice as elementals and enhancements are actively discriminated against for poor dps and no unique buffs. This is also a pro for resto as theres usually 1 in every 25m raid for shaman buffs so they don't have to invite an ele or enh.
    Edited: March 19, 2020

  5. I had disco priest in my mind as well for a while. What do You think guys?

    I've always thought resto shams are glorified on warmane, yet I see not that many ppl reccomendjng him. Still cant pick any. Surely not pala, cause I have one and he is my main ^^

  6. Disco Priest = 1 Button spam. They are essential and super powerfull but it gets boring in the long run. Resto druid is easy to play but hard to master, you need to know whos gonna take damage before they take the damage. Resto shaman is very strong in the hands of the right player, sadly most of them just spam chain heal and hope for the best.

  7. Oh i forgot, I would recommend Resto Shaman. I have played all healing classes and speccs for many years farming LoD on all of them and Resto shaman was allways the class I had most fun playing.

  8. So disco is most noob friendly, shammy is middle, druid is hard to master cause You gotta know who will take most damage soon?

  9. Druid can plan ahead and with great timing they can get loads of healing done. Their high mobility, cyclone, innervate, battle res are nice tools as well as shadowmeld if ally. Id recommend shaman if you plan on doing 10m raids often as their utility in healing becomes much more useful and you can get tank healing duty as well.
    Edited: March 20, 2020

  10. Hey! Why did no one mention Holy priest? The only healer who uses more than 2-3 spells and actually requires skill to be played. (JUST PLAYED, not MASTERED).It is very fun, also versatile like the restoration shaman and jesus, this guardian spirit with glyph is insane CD.

  11. Holy Priest is the harderst healing class to play.
    Flash Heal, Circle of Healing, Greater Heal, Prayer of Mending, Prayer of Healing, Binding Heal and Renew are all used depending on the different situation, Thats 7 Healing abilities which you use, and if you count CD's such as Guardian spirit, Divine Hymn, Hymn of Hope and dispell's on that you have an entire arsenal of abilities to handle every possible situation.

    They have a bad reputation because the people who play them mostly are bad, Spamming renew (with empowered renew specc) and CoH when it's off CD, which makes them fall down on the recount and look bad.

    Holy Priest is the most underated specc on warmane, followed by Feral druids and Enhancement Shamans.
    It's all because they are hard to play and it takes a long time to master those classes, (Truly master, not play for 2 month and think your pro) But they are all good in the hands of the right player, sadly most players on warmane has never seen what they can truly accomplish and go on to assume they are bad classes.

  12. Priest holy wasnt mentioned because of one thing - as You guys said, its probably the most complex healing spec in wotlk.

    We're not looking for that in this topic. We are looking for cool, noob friendly healer which I can do ICC 10/25 Rs 10/25 (cause thats all wotlk is about :D) with pleasure :D I'm still undecided, disco, rsham, rdudu, all looks kidna cool and have something interesting :D

  13. I wonder what exactly is complex about holy priest.
    Sad truth is that druid hots better and good shaman can do good aoe heal when necessary.
    There is no niche for holy priest, they don't excel at anything specific - that's all, if you got one he can get the job done nonetheless.

  14. I had some time at weekend and decided to check priest dudu and sham on Black rock with pve Items. Ive made builds according to guide, read all spells, talents etc and I know that rdudu is not for me - I didnt like IT at all. I do liked disco, these absorbs seems pretty insane. Shammy looks powerful as well. so in the end, Ill pick disco or resto shams :) Idk how to choose, do Ill probably make both to at least 5k gs and check out myself

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