1. Healers of Lorderon...Rep your class!

    Coming from icecrown after many years of play I have made the swap from 7x to 1x and from tank to Healer.

    I have to give love for my pally. A simple man needs a simple healing class...HPALLY LOVE!

    what your go to healer?

  2. I go hpala but that's the only healer i will ever go. Healing sucks.

  3. Healing/Tanking feels much less rewarding than playing dps relatively to the work you are doing.
    I mean, as dps, if you slack for a bit, nothing bad will happen most of the time, but as healer/tank, you can cause a wipe easily by not paying attention.
    That why most of us like playing dps, and take things easy.

  4. Healing/Tanking feels much less rewarding than playing dps relatively to the work you are doing.
    I mean, as dps, if you slack for a bit, nothing bad will happen most of the time, but as healer/tank, you can cause a wipe easily by not paying attention.
    That why most of us like playing dps, and take things easy.
    Thats the sole reason i love to tank and heal, for the simple fact i love having people count on me to actually have skill, instead of just brain dead mashing 1 2 3 4 5.....and staring at a dps meter and waiting for my addon to scream YOUR STANDING IN AOE MOVE YOU *****

  5. And still if the dps is not sufficient or if the dps mess up by positioning wrong a wipe is also possible. A good dps is to be appreciated just as much as a good tank or healer-especially those who do good dps AND manage their threat

  6. I've played every single healer over the past 6 years of 3.3.5
    I made my first holy paladin 3 months ago.... Officially is my main now.

    Holypaladins are absolute joy to play as, especially 63'ish+
    Outland gear got gem sockets - stuff it with 16 intellect gems and you just rock!

    This set looks so bloody awesome. Ran with that, BoE (yellow/gold) shield+25 int enchant and 1h mace from Bloodfurnace (that looks like loomie).

    Did not replace that gear until 80 - when i needed gear score.

    Just a full blown joy!

    Screenshots i found - I always invest into getting full TBC sets. Just brings me joy!

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