1. Servers down?

    Can't even get the realm select screen this time. Prior to this it was World server down but I can always stay in character select screen, Now im out all the way. Anyone else getting this or just me?

  2. Yep, last 2 days for me its like that. Play for maybe 30min, then 20min trying to log in again....just to play 30min more and DC again

    No idea what is it, but it sucks badly...
    Not to mention the lag later on and the fact that i spend most of my time trying to log in then playing

  3. Probably just over-loaded. Just happened to me. Won a WSG, tried to leave it, DC-ed to 'world server is down'.

    #prayfortheworld(ofwarcraft) #coronavirus #help

  4. Just too many people are playing at the moment and server cannot handle the huge population. Nothing to worry about.

  5. Just too many people are playing at the moment and server cannot handle the huge population. Nothing to worry about.
    If the pop is predicted to 12k max, how can it not handle 12 k than? There must be more issues, but we're not being told about it.

  6. Its never just 12k max, or what ever number it says...
    Think about it - weddings always set at least 10 more seats just in case. Elevators give you optimum max capacity(its always higher then it says), cars give optimal max weight, tyre pressure and so on...
    Server should work like a clockwork with 12k ppl online if thats whats advertised, as its not working something more is the issue...

  7. More than 12k are online alo. Server is overloaded.

  8. This is really getting out of hand with the DC's and servers not working...

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