1. Lf friends

    Hey, 2.6 from retail boy currently playing both lf q, playing mainly the 4 healing classes started farming off parts and stuff. I'm interested in arena friends 2s 3s.
    Thank you vm have fun.

  2. I am 2k Warrior, need only shoulders and weapon. It's not my main class but I think I'm decent, pretty sure we can do 1800 easily, then we can try push some rating if we are doing good. Add me on game if you want, name "Supplements". Have a nice day.

  3. US player here, add me in-game teejqt (arms) or teejqtxo (disc).

  4. hey friend 3 times glad(s6/7/8) on retail & 2.4k xp here, whats your name ingame or discord? send me a msg if u want to have a chat
    Edited: April 18, 2020

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