1. I pitty the alliance players who gave up at lvl 40 and said they reroll horde because being ally sucks too much and the ganking is unbearable
    That doesnt happen because allies gank lowbies exponentially more than horde players do.
    But I appreciate the blatant fishing and misinformation attempt

  2. how did you come to that conclusion? and do show me how ally are ganking lowbies expinentially more than hordes if possible.

  3. Only rarely you find people of the other faction getting ganked by high levels while leveling, so every faction think they are victims to lowbie ganking much more than the other.

    I don't think anyone but Warmane Mods can say for sure which faction is more likely to get killed by high levels while leveling.
    I feel like it's Horde, but there is no way to be sure.

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