1. Macro Question

    Hello, ineed some help with the macros thingy.
    I have an axe and 2 daggers as a rogue
    While my main hand is axe (cause i heard that thats the max dps potential), my second is a dagger.
    I wanna open fights with Ambush, but it requires a dagger in first
    Can I somehow make a macro to equip and unequip the dagger before and after the ambush?

  2. Not really a god of macros but wouldn't

    /equip [dagger name]
    /cast ambush
    /equip [axe name]

    work? That is if you have another dagger in your inventory to replace the axe and keep the dagger you already have in the off-hand. You'll just have to mash the button a bit.

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