1. these new changes are an absolute disgrace and 0 thought has been put into it obviously.

    You had a range of players in every BG that you were able to compete with, acceptable Que times for both brackets and people that donated 284 weapons could be matched by having some GS-space to outgear them with other pieces of gear, besides weapons.

    Now with the new Brackets going somewhere from 0 - 3k GS (guildy cant que anymore after hitting 2.8k GS with fresh 80 LOL) and from 3k GS - 6.8k GS.

    Every player that just buys 264 gear from the auction house because its really cheap, and else still is in leveling gear, will get into BG's with players mostly above 6k+ GS.

    This will have major downsides, which overshadow any benefit

    2. Players that reach 3k GS will have 0 fun grinding their PvP gear, cause they get oneshotted by everyone literally every single BG (Bgs now consist usually of 3-4 low GS players and the rest has 6k or more, so theres no competition between low geared players).

    These changes don't add any value at all to the BG que system, but make THOUSANDS of players gaming experience tremendously worse.

    idk why moderators are not replying ???!!
    Because they just don´t care about players in general or their opinion on the matter!
    I´ll make the Al Powell character reply here: " Can´t you read between the lines" - They just want ppl to get frustrated and think - OK i need to go donate a few hundreds and get me those weapons/gear otherwise this isn´t fun what so ever!
    With the huge player base they have right now, they can take a hit of 1k - 5k player drop if that means more money in the bank from players who don´t have the patience 2 farm, are tired of being stomped by other p2w players and kids with parents money who just want to feel great because they have so much skill they can 1shot anyone...

  2. Playing bgs now makes you really appreciate the split for lower and higher bracket. Becuse it's back to the old days with half people on both teams around 15k hp which is awful.
    Simple third bracket in between as proposed for like 2k-5k gs seems like a good idea to solve this.

  3. I just can relate to Osterhaze too. So many players (me included) suffer since the new bracket system. I hope there will be a solution soon, because i dont want to play my BGs like this at the moment because there is just no fun anymore getting gear and compete with others, because there is just no competition anymore....

  4. high bgs so unplayable rn... every bg has 2-3 afks

    cool to see that this is our life now

  5. I agree, i'm hating this change and want the old brackets back please..

  6. Do something about brackets its unplayable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. May 1, 2020  
    It's an absolute joke and Warmane devs should be ashamed of themselves.

  8. May 2, 2020  
    I don't know anything about Frostmourne, but ever since they added Blackrock to the crossrealm the battlegrounds have been swarmed with AFK bots. Most of them have auto-follow on you, some will even use aoe when an enemy is nearby so that they can break any afk tag their team tags them with.
    I wonder if the staff have any ideas or plans on how to deal with them, because in almost every battleground I play there's 1-3 blackrock bots (the amount varies).
    There is no incentive for them not to cheat, because if they get banned they can just make a new instant 80 character with full gear.

  9. May 2, 2020  
    We need lower bracket, horde getting masscred every bg

  10. May 2, 2020  
    Ques on Frostmourne for RBG are like 1-2 min now, as predicted.

    You could just give them their own bracket, undo the changes and everything would be working as intended again.

    Can Warmane at least give some response to this? So many people complain about this and they just ignore it for weeks, have they not read this?
    Surely a moderator has brought this forward to one of the people that are responsible for it.

    It's an absolute mistery to me why they handle this issue like that.

  11. May 6, 2020  
    I'd too love to chime in and second adding a third bracket.
    The changes of adding brackets overall, is absolutely wonderful, but right I just hit level 80 and my friends gave me a full beginner pvp set (tailoring set) which puts me a bit over 3k.
    Playing with my friend who is 4,3k we always end up in battlegrounds with many people having peak gs.
    Every rogue just onehits me, which shouldn't be the point.

    Right now I have to either endure dying for some weeks til I get my equipment, or quit as I'm solely playing here for PvP reasons.

    So if anyone of the mods reads this, I'd love this topic to be brought forward and perhaps have a discussion with the community. :)
    Changes happening or not, just show that you are aware of the situation and if change is on its way or if you intend on leaving it like this.


  12. May 12, 2020  
    why not just open a bracket for frostmourne, and restore low bracket like it was??? there are no players from lordaeron/icecrown in the low bracket right now anyway. this guy is totally right.

  13. May 12, 2020  
    i bet that reports for afk players in bgs are skyrocketing last 2 days.
    Yep, 20% of players go afk just after first death, then 30% go afk after 3rd death xD

    Lately all battlegrounds score boards are blue, u need to scroll to the bottom to see some red.

  14. May 12, 2020  
    Yep, 20% of players go afk just after first death, then 30% go afk after 3rd death xD

    Lately all battlegrounds score boards are blue, u need to scroll to the bottom to see some red.
    Yeah... No. Apparently you just have piss poor luck like me. So far I'm below 40% win rate as Alliance.

    What is more likely is that we are both meeting premades. Me the Horde ones, and you the Alliance ones. Solution is simple. Make a good premade yourself.
    Edited: May 12, 2020

  15. May 12, 2020  
    Yeah... No. Apparently you just have piss poor luck like me. so far I'm below 40% win rate as Alliance.

    What is more likely is that we are both meeting premades. Me the Horde ones, and you the Alliance ones. Solution is simple. Make a good premade yourself.
    This is not a solution, cause playing with premade is same boring, you just stand and watch how 3-5 people revive and die in 1 second. I prefer 40% wins than 100% wins with boring GY camping.

    Anyway it's not premade issue, cause its mixed lorderon, icecrown and blackrock
    Edited: May 12, 2020

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