1. Omg DO NOT que RHC until you hace full 25m naxx gear or me and my mates will vote kick you! Noobs should not be allowed to do rhcs they QQ all the time about us skipping bosses, they have low dps thus cant do quick runs
    noone asked for your opinion you pepega

  2. So what do you do as a class with a sigil? Walk ins until you can afford one?

  3. So what do you do as a class with a sigil? Walk ins until you can afford one?
    Yes, apparently.

  4. I can confirm the req for RDF HC que is 190 ilvl. I was increasing my ilvl 1 by 1 from 180 and only was able to join at 190 ilvl

    Just a side note but I get my ilvl mean with GS lite and it rounds up the numbers, however RDF HC doesnt. I had 190 ilvl but wasnt able to join, then got another gear part with higher ilvl, kept at 190 ilvl, but now was able to join

  5. As a holy paladin, I wasn't able to queue random heroics until I hit 3,150 gearscore.

  6. As a holy paladin, I wasn't able to queue random heroics until I hit 3,150 gearscore.
    you can only queue as a holy paladin if you have epic libram equiped and that is not how it should be. i have the ilvl150 libram and still cant queue with a GS of 3250 and a Ilvl of 191,7

    btw use this macro to get your itemlvl, its the best way

    /run local t,c,u,k=0,0,UnitExists("target")and"target"or"play er"for i=1,18 do k=GetInventoryItemLink(u,i)if i~=4 and k then t=t+select(4,GetItemInfo(k))c=c+1 end end c=c>0 and print(t/c)

  7. Off hand doesnt count for ilvl and i was able to queue as pala without epic libram and 189 ilvl. Tip: you can cheat system by equiping any i200 item before queue, like ones from revered reps, obviously plate classes have it easier then others.

  8. Off hand doesnt count for ilvl and i was able to queue as pala without epic libram and 189 ilvl. Tip: you can cheat system by equiping any i200 item before queue, like ones from revered reps, obviously plate classes have it easier then others.
    then its probably my alchemy trinket, there is something wrong for sure. i got epic shield and 2 epic armor pieces, like i said i have over 191 itemlvl and cant join HC´s over RDF so. Mainhand is 200ilvl too

  9. then its probably my alchemy trinket, there is something wrong for sure. i got epic shield and 2 epic armor pieces, like i said i have over 191 itemlvl and cant join HC´s over RDF so. Mainhand is 200ilvl too
    Can confirm it's the alchemy trinket. Was around 3200 GS, still couldn't queue. Swapped it for a green 174 hit trinket and could queue. I think it just doesn't count the alch trinket for anything.

  10. Off hand doesnt count for ilvl and i was able to queue as pala without epic libram and 189 ilvl. Tip: you can cheat system by equiping any i200 item before queue, like ones from revered reps, obviously plate classes have it easier then others.
    Offhand absolutely counts for ilvl, which is why a 2h weapon gets counted twice into the equation.

    Add up the ilvl of all slots (except shirt and tabard) and divide by 17. If you have a 2h weapon, count that ilvl twice.

  11. Can confirm it's the alchemy trinket. Was around 3200 GS, still couldn't queue. Swapped it for a green 174 hit trinket and could queue. I think it just doesn't count the alch trinket for anything.
    yes i can confirm it now too, its the alchemy trinket, it doesnt have a itemlvl on this server. must be a bug

  12. Off hand doesnt count for ilvl and i was able to queue as pala without epic libram and 189 ilvl. Tip: you can cheat system by equiping any i200 item before queue, like ones from revered reps, obviously plate classes have it easier then others.
    Relic DOES count and it shouldn't.
    As a dk i had ilvl 50 sigil couldn't que then took the ilvl 150 from grizzly hills and i was able to que.

    3289 without the "new" sigil btw....beyond bull**** i couldnt que with that.

    RDF HC Is busted on that server as same as the Shop where you can buy grim toll/illustration usw already.

  13. Relic DOES count and it shouldn't.
    As a dk i had ilvl 50 sigil couldn't que then took the ilvl 150 from grizzly hills and i was able to que.

    3289 without the "new" sigil btw....beyond bull**** i couldnt que with that.

    RDF HC Is busted on that server as same as the Shop where you can buy grim toll/illustration usw already.
    Why do you think relics shouldn't count? Every single class has a slot like that - and they all count. As for your relic problem, yeah no kidding. An ilvl50 item is going to hurt your average a lot - GS has nothing to do with anything.

  14. i have 197 ilvl average and i'm 3436 gs and still can't do them, my friend has 200 gs less and way lower ilvl and can join it without any problems, my lowest ilvl item is 187

  15. someone just told me that there is a bug if you're using profession crafted trinkets that they are counted as 0 ilvl or an empty slot

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