1. RDF HC requirement?

    Hi all,

    I've nearly 3k GS, with gear far beyond what should be needed for the standard Wrath HCs and still getting the do not meet requirements error.

    HC gear is ilvl 200. I have 4 pieces pieces of ilvl 200 gear including 3 epics and can comfortably TANK all the normal dungeons in a healing spec. WTF is wrong with the tunning of RDF HC? This feels like the requirement for the ICC 5man heroics rather than the ilvl 200 heroics.

  2. Do you have heirloom gear on? that counts as ilvl 1 in the calculation and will bring your average way down.

  3. I'm currently 179 average ilvl (lowest piece is 150ilvl libram) and unable to queue rdf HC. Aside from crafted epics, there's only about 4 items i can get in normal dungeons that could boost me up to a whopping ~185.. and there is no guarantee that I will be able to queue once there. I've heard other complaints suggesting it's not only average ilvl, but there is also a minimum threshold per item, meaning classes with relics are screwed until they get a relic from EoH.

    It's pretty sad I'm going to have to farm HCs by walking in just to get enough gear to queue for them.

  4. You need an avg ilvl of 187 to queue but you also need to have a min ilvl on gear.
    I'm not sure what the min is, but I guess something like 160. The gear also needs to be equipped before it counts.

    I know I had an avg ilvl of 187 and couldn't queue cause of my ilvl 110 cloak, once I replaced that I got to Ilvl 188.7 and was fine.

  5. The limit is 180 ilvl. May want to check how you're doing your averages
    Edited: April 21, 2020

  6. The limit is 180 ilvl. May want to check how you're doing your averages
    Definitely isn't. It's meant to be 187 average ilvl, however it is around 190 average ilvl.

  7. i have 190 ilvl//3144GS and still cant join HC rdf, i am pala and cant get a Libram that is higher lvl than ilvl150 before buying one with Emblem of Heroism

    /run local t,c,u,k=0,0,UnitExists("target")and"target"or"play er"for i=1,18 do k=GetInventoryItemLink(u,i)if i~=4 and k then t=t+select(4,GetItemInfo(k))c=c+1 end end c=c>0 and print(t/c)

  8. Definitely isn't. It's meant to be 187 average ilvl, however it is around 190 average ilvl.
    Add your iLvl's together and divide them by 17. Don't rely on add-ons to do the math for you, they generally only average the slots you have items in.

  9. Add your iLvl's together and divide them by 17. Don't rely on add-ons to do the math for you, they generally only average the slots you have items in.
    Kind of. 2h weapons count TWICE for calculating average ilvl. Important to note.

  10. I'm currently 179 average ilvl (lowest piece is 150ilvl libram) and unable to queue rdf HC. Aside from crafted epics, there's only about 4 items i can get in normal dungeons that could boost me up to a whopping ~185.. and there is no guarantee that I will be able to queue once there. I've heard other complaints suggesting it's not only average ilvl, but there is also a minimum threshold per item, meaning classes with relics are screwed until they get a relic from EoH.

    It's pretty sad I'm going to have to farm HCs by walking in just to get enough gear to queue for them.

    This right here, is why blizzard never should have made dungeon finder.

  11. seems the queue system is bugged then.
    It took average 191 ilvl to queue, even with a ilvl 200 libram, at 187 I wasn't able to go in. At 191 ilvl I was able to chain pull stuff without any mana breaks as both healer and tank.

    Guess its the initial struggles that give the ilvl 200 trash drops their value

  12. ILVL 191,7 still cant queue for RDF HC just saying, fix that ****, gearscore is now 3,25k
    how old is this core and why we have still bugs like this, thats freakin pathetic
    Edited: April 22, 2020

  13. Then it must be bugged, on icecrown I remember having some green items + some blue and i could queue to the basic heroic dungeons.

  14. Omg DO NOT que RHC until you hace full 25m naxx gear or me and my mates will vote kick you! Noobs should not be allowed to do rhcs they QQ all the time about us skipping bosses, they have low dps thus cant do quick runs

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