1. Is this macro safe ?

    I copied a macro from warmane site which is :

    /run local slotButton, bag, slot = GetMouseFocus() bag, slot = slotButton:GetParent():GetID(), slotButton:GetID() if bag and slot then PickupContainerItem(bag, slot) DeleteCursorItem() end

    it is used to delete mouse over items , But when i use it in FM ( fast clicks ) it gets me DC'd . I wonder if the anti cheat detects as bot and kicks me ?

    Anyone can Advice is this safe to use it ?

    I got the macro From :


    Thank you

  2. Maybe who knows, but why is it so hard to just manualy sell them or delete? If you have mamoth, its super easy.

  3. There was an issue with people sharing macros to delete all items in your bags so a cooldown was added to item deletions. It's so short that I'd be impressed if anyone triggered it without a macro. Unfortunately the solution was to have the server kick you for deleting items too fast.

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