1. Getting sapped with wolves + bloodlust?

    I haven'tplayed since arena-tournament did the gear reset a couple of years ago, maybe when it was renamed to blackrock. Now I've leveled up a shaman on Frostmourne and queued some arena... and I keep getting sapped while having wolves + bl up, can someone explain what's going on here?

  2. Dont know, i saw several youtube videos of enhancement shaman / ret... And rogues cant sap the shaman with wolves + bl on engage so i dont know if this server is bug or if it was bug before...

  3. If you aren't in combat then you can get sapped. Easy as that.

    Neither wolves nor BL/Heroism give you combat state, neither does any of those two spells have a mechanic that prevents sap.

    Arena Tournament had a custom patch towards the end. Maybe there was a custom rule for those spells. Current realms have Blizzlike mechanics.

  4. Wolves moonwalk in the first place, turtlelike speed.

    Edited: April 28, 2020

  5. https://youtu.be/2BoCBGM6BEc

    Look at the first match versus SP/rogue. How is it possible ? Its a bug no? Wolves + tremor totem = combat ? And pala bok on wolves = combat too... Its strange...

  6. May 3, 2020  
    Currently, sending wolves on someone and using BL/Heroism when they've attacked and given healing through Spirit Hunt is putting you into combat. Healing your arena partner after that puts them in combat, too. Not sure if working as intended or not, but it's definitely not worth it in most situations since you have to blow Spirit Walk to get wolves into position in time, and you will most often want it to break slow or root vs Rogue+Mage/Druid/Eleshaman comps.

  7. May 4, 2020  
    Yeah yeah i know how to be in combat with my mate. But to be in combat like that vs SP/rogue and ruin their engage is just insane... Anyway atm in this server, it doesn't work so i imagine it was a bug on this video.

  8. July 9, 2020  
    It is completely tedious to have to deal with this bug, when in the old days it worked perfectly, what are we supposed to do enhancements vs SP / Rogue?
    Edited: July 13, 2020

  9. It's 100% bugged, even if your wolves hit someone, rogue can still sap you x3...............*

    GO VOTE PLZ https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker?filter&author
    Edited: July 24, 2020

  10. Yeah i vote... Hope they will see it :)

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