1. VOA 25 man

    Did a raid the other day with 5 healers and 2 tanks. Half the dps were over 3k and the other half were over 2k. We could not push him past the last 5% without enrage. I know that is close but perhaps he is a bit over tuned.

  2. As they say, "git gud."

    But seriously, it's not over tuned. Just because YOU tried it in one raid and couldn't do it doesn't mean it's over tuned. I mean I went in there with a random pug and cleared it np. Just not enough dps is all. Gotta push for everyone >3k

  3. Try 3 healing it. The fight does very little amounts of damage and 2 dps should fix the issue. All the successful groups I've been in have 3 healed it

  4. If you do voa 25, dps have to be atleast 3k dps or higher. Generally people 3k plus gearscore are only invited and if you are 3k gearscore you should be aiming for 3k+ dps. I did voa 25 with half dps under 3k and we kicked them and brought in new dps and got it down easy.

  5. Just do more than 2.5k dps across all dpses and it will be over.... Its severely undertuned like all other content right now

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