Hi guys, with the release of Frostmourne I've decided to try wow again after taking a 4 year break and I went with an arcane mage.

After doing some PvE, which I am pretty familiar with I decided to mix things up a bit and try some PvP, but to my surprise not only PvP arcane mage required a lot more spell usage, but I also couldn't find any details at all on what the main rotation is and how to generally play against specific types of classes.

I couldn't even find a generic guide to what spells are preferably used in the most often scenarios. I understand that I am basically asking for information served on a platter, but if any of you have a more detailed video/guide/forum post/spreadsheet or anything whatsoever in regards to PvP arcane mage trees/variations/gearing/playstyle, I'd really appreciate if you could share it with me.

Or any general advice whatsoever because I haven't done PvP with any class at all and my only option at this point is to go read guides for all other classes available and figure out interactions on my own which I'm pretty sure will be exhausting for someone just getting started.

Kind Regards,