Me, my friends and other random people I talked to have been having serious performance problems around this quest. Pretty much everytime I'm near the cauldrons, either my fps drops to 10 or the game just crashes.

Today the game crashed, so I closed it with task manager. Log back in, I'm in the icecrown graveyard, unable to move. So I unstuck on the website. Log back in, I'm dead in the dalaran graveyard... Since I'm only able to unstuck once every 30 minutes, I talk to the spirit and get res sickness.

It sucks to skip this quest because its the daily that gives the highest amount of gold from the icecrown ones.

I checked on the bugtracker and there's nothing about this, neither people talking about it on the forums, but my friends also have the same problem everyday so I'm kinda lost on what to do.

All of us have i5 processors