1. June 7, 2020  
    Why am I commenting?
    Because I find BGs are ok on their own, no need to implement fictional "balance" and make it worse.
    Do you know how do suggestions work? You come up with a suggestion, other people support it, others argue against it, not everyone has to have the same idea, if stuff worked like "Hey, I got this idea and I only wanna hear feedback from people who think the same way" we'd have a much much different world today. You won't get your little echo chamber here.
    OP itself wasn't even a suggestion, 0 idea input. Rest of you here just whined about "SM OP" with also 0 constructive ideas so it's staying the way it is until you can form a sensible statement and come up with something that's actually reasonable.
    You still talking, lol!

  2. June 7, 2020  
    All your comments are pure garbage, no reason to discuss with someone like you on this topic.
    So you want to discuss the topic with somebody who fully agrees with you so you can hibernate together in a safe-space bubble of moronic thoughts? Tough luck kiddo, not gonna happen. Put it on the public forum and expect opinions from all sides, not just the one your are trying to advocate for. Real world doesn't work like that. Another thing the real world doesn't do is adapt around your snowflake feelings and emotions.

    Get good or get going.
    Edited: June 7, 2020

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