1. June 1, 2020  

    Need Bear Tank Build and Tips (Lordaeron)

    Hey guys, have been playing a Prot Warr on Lordaeron and currently at lvl 26, but getting very bored as I used to play a bit of druid back in vanilla and really enjoy it.

    Would like to play as a bear tank mainly for dungeons and raids eventually. Anyone has a build that they could suggest?

    Also, what would the prefer choice of weapon be?


  2. June 2, 2020  
    No idea about raiding.

    For leveling and dungeons in general just use glyph of maul.

    Bear specific talents aren't needed for leleving dungeons (+10% armor for example), but part of the reason is that feral talents are hybrid by default. So for example when you pick feral swiftness, you get the cat speed and dodge for both cat and bear. So is win/win. Same with survival of the fittest and hearth of the wild.

  3. June 2, 2020  
    As stated above, tanking talents are not that useful before you start doing raids. Take anything, that increases your dmg, that will help you level fastest. (speeds up questing and dungeons)

    Weapons are only a stat-sticks for ferals. Get any staff/polearm/2h mace that provides you with most needed stats. (expertise/hit/stam/agi/str/attack-power)

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