I am new to the Warmane server but I used to play on Molten back when the big crash or server hijack took place I believe it was 2015-2016? I had a shadow priest on the 1x server Lord and along with the help of being able to vote points for looms back on that server I leveled my shadow priest rather quickly. I enjoyed how easy it was to play a shadow spec in a pve setting(often being a sort of off-heals) and even better in a PVP setting. I always recommend if you play a shadow priest to use a Belf. I like the undead traits but swimming is not always going to happen for questing and pvp. Once you get silence you'll have 2 silences essentially. Along with the build that I'm currently working on I've been able to kill pallys rather easily along with being able to survive their bursts rather well with little to medium dmg to my toon. I have had a few of the pallys bubble on me and at that point I just have to try to shield and inner armor myself until I know the bubble pops. It's only ten seconds. If you're lucky you'll hit them with silence at the right moment. Not often but sometimes I've been lucky. In STV the other day 3 alli pallys were in a certain area. I engaged one and then the second came to attack me. I was able to dot both and start working on mind blasts(I use the reduction talent for heals) then afterwards just to slow them from running around and because basically you can mind flay without having to move around. After killing one of the pallys another came over. I managed to kill the second pally but the third pally finally got me due to the first pally coming back. I was able to handle most of the attacks and with pyschic/silence/belf racial silence I was able to put up a pretty good fight. But now I can handle one pally so easy. I do use shadowform because i'm 46 now but does it get easier as you get higher with shadow? I will have to link my build. I was wondering what a Disc priest thought? I eventually got up to a 5.6k gs with that dps spriest and with three dots most players would die in flight in open world pvp. I feel like shadow is so OP once you get it rolling. Spriestess was the toons name and it was a Belf spriest.