1. June 4, 2020  

    Vereth the cunning

    has anyone else had a issue with this NPC when trying to hand in quests to them in icecrown, the guy just seems to disappear when ever I click on him or get to close

  2. June 4, 2020  
    It's a phasing issue most likely. Try approaching him from a different side of the world. Change mount with which you come to him - if you usually fly to him and he disappears, try riding to him using the ground behind him (you might need to do this from a bit further away). Might want to try finishing other questlines in Icecrown related to the area near him. If all of it fails, you can open an in-game ticket and see what they tell you. It's likely they will send you to the bugtracker but it's worth a shot.
    Edited: June 4, 2020

  3. June 8, 2020  
    can confirm its bugged atm, if u take one of the 3 quests u become layered and wont be able to come back n talk to mr. cunning.. gonna open a ticket n see

  4. Still the same,it is bugged + also you are getting phase/layering bugs and losing alot of saronite/titaniums in that zone bcs of the bug.

  5. Did you find any fix for it or did you get any reply for the ticket yet?

  6. I managed to do the quests by getting an auto-accept and auto-complete addon. You just stand in front of him at the closest distance you see him, then walk forward FAST and click on the NPC. You will get the quest instantly. It's a bit tricky when you complete, because you also have to select a reward, but with a fast reaction time it's doable. I did the whole chain 2 weeks ago.

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