1. Name Change

    Hello i want to change name one of my character, i have checked desired name and there is no such a nickname on Lordaeron, its only 1 lvl icecrown character, when i picked desired name it says that name is unavailable please help thank you

  2. Idk why this needs explaining. Someone saved the name with a level one character. Nothing you can except wait for a yearly name reset on inactive characters.

  3. do you know when is a yearly name reset ?
    p.s i think gm s should help players who pay money and playing 80 lvl characters its just not fair to not make changes because some1 created name and dont even playing this game for a long time ...

  4. it is weird that your name is "unavailable" on Lordaeron (since armory shows only 1 character on Icecrown).
    do you know when is a yearly name reset ?
    Around January/February

  5. do you know when is a yearly name reset ?
    p.s i think gm s should help players who pay money and playing 80 lvl characters its just not fair to not make changes because some1 created name and dont even playing this game for a long time ...
    Oh my bad didn't see the toon was on Icecrown. Idk why you can't create it then, that's weird. Try opening an in-game ticket and see what they tell you.
    But yeah, the reset is usually around Jan/Feb

  6. Check if that name is mentioned in this list: https://pastebin.com/raw/7GR906Ey
    Those names are fobbiden

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