1. How do Heirlooms work on the x7 server?

    Hi, I'm currently thinking about farming to get some heirlooms to level alts with. I was just curious as to whether the 10% buff from heirloom takes you from 700%--->770% or 700%-710% . I've had a lot of people tell me that both are true when I asked in /2 -_-.

  2. Should work in 700% -> 710% manner.
    Heirlooms are a waste of emblems on Icecrown imo.

  3. they definitively do 700% -> 770%

    Just killed level 6 mob
    no hierlooms - 525 exp
    hierlooms (+10%+10%+5%) - 665 exp

    Not only that,
    calculation is something like this

    1000exp x 1.1 x 1.1 x 1.05; instead of 1000exp x(0.1+0.1+0.05)

    so hierlooms boost bonus of other hierlooms, with 10+10+5% bonus exp you end up with actual ~27% bonus exp.
    Edited: July 23, 2020

  4. Heirlooms are a waste of emblems on Icecrown imo.
    Let's not forget they scale with your level. Their stats are superior compared to other items of same level. Heirlooms offers real nice QoL boost to anybody leveling: More HP, mana, damage, hit/crit/haste -> quicker and easier kills. And on top of that, you won't be that dependent on other gear.

    Heirlooms are worth it, if you are a bit of a altoholic.

  5. thanks a lot, this is exactly what i was looking for

  6. normal rates: x1
    warmane rates: x7

    Every heirloom adds 10% of basic rate, so on warmane its like:
    1 heirloom : 7 + 10% = 7,7
    2 heirlooms: 7+ 20% = 8,4
    3 heirlooms: 7+30% = 9,1

    etc etc etc, already tested. Never heard about heirlooms boosting exp from other heirlooms, imo its always connected to "basic" server rate

  7. normal rates: x1
    warmane rates: x7

    Every heirloom adds 10% of basic rate, so on warmane its like:
    1 heirloom : 7 + 10% = 7,7
    2 heirlooms: 7+ 20% = 8,4
    3 heirlooms: 7+30% = 9,1

    etc etc etc, already tested. Never heard about heirlooms boosting exp from other heirlooms, imo its always connected to "basic" server rate
    just did a quick test(again)
    base 4081 exp
    10% ------------------------ predicted 4489.1 - actual 4489
    10%+10% ----------- predicted 4897.2 - actual 4937
    10%+10%+5% - predicted 5101.2 -- actual 5183

    that means its not EXP x 1.25;
    it is EXP x 1.1 x 1.1 x 1.05 (predicts = 4081 -> 4489.1 -> 4938 -> 5184.9)

    so indeed hierlooms "boost other hierlooms"
    Edited: July 24, 2020

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