1. In desperate need of help setting up my multibox with Hotkeynet

    I followed the recent multibox guide posted here for HotkeyNet but I just cant seem to get anything to work. The keybind to allow all my characters to press on the same place on the screen isnt working , if i have scroll lock on my other characters are using their abilities but the main character I'm controlling isn't doing anything , keybinds aren't working on that instance for some reason. Idek what to do.

  2. i like hotkeynet because its so simple. yet there was a time i couldn't understand any of it.

    try to take littles steps, work things one by one until you can make sense out of it.

    dont copy paste the script of other because they might be incomplete etc.

    1) were you able to make it launch wow ?
    2) you can see the keybings you press on the main window, do they appear to be send anywhere ?
    3) do you know a bit of programming language ? if not, hotkeynet might be to advanced for you...

  3. Hard to know what the problem is without enough information.

    "keybinds aren't working on that instance for some reason."
    This might be because the window has the wrong name (should be errors in the hkn window then saying it can't send the key).
    Maybe you send keys to all slaves but not main? You need to send keys to the active window also.
    You should be able to see in the HKN window what happens and check for issues with it. Just read the blue text and you should be able to figure out what the issue is.

    "The keybind to allow all my characters to press on the same place on the screen isnt working"
    Mouse broadcasting is bad in HKN and I only use it for small things like clicking a portal, for click healing I would set up an area to click and then turn those mouse clicks into hotkeys since it is more reliable.
    No idea what the issue is, check the HKN window to see that you actually send the mouse clicks.

    I think both issues might be because of wrong name of main window, but that is just a guess since there isn't enough information.

    Remember another issue that can be related to the problem. If you have a window named WoW1 and another window named WoW10, then it can cause issues because you don't need to write the full title of a window for HKN to detect it so when sending keys to WoW1 it can be like "oh, WoW1 is short for WoW10, sending keys to WoW10 then!".
    Edited: July 31, 2020

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