1. Unclickable player (world pvp)

    There was a spriest camping a player, so the player asked for help in global chat. My husband (warlock destro) and I (shadow priest) joined a party to help him.
    We killed the players who were camping.. but one of them, a spriest whispered my husband in an alliance account and asks him 1 vs 1. Seems fair I thought, so I watched through his screen. Of course me being a spriest know that my husband was going to defeat him xD but... Then a weird thing happen: my husband Could NOT TARGET THE PLAYER when dueling. I was watching his screen. He just could not target (no click, no tab). He was unclickable!! He laughs at my husband thorugh his alliance account and even knowing that my husbands was clicking shadow fury (he was clicktesting) How can he knows that?

    He then try to click another horde and he could :s so it was just that unclickable player.

  2. Welp thats odd any screenshots? Might have been a bug ...

    Or a some game mechanic ...

    Or ... cheater :D

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