1. Frostmourne - problem with FOS, POS, HOR normal, instance locked.

    as in the title - i cannot enter these instances through dungeon finder nor the classic way (It says that the instance is closed), i've been doing quests in the area of ICC, but i can't figure out how to get the quest 'Inside the Frozen Citadel' from Dark Ranger Vorel in Dalaran, which - as the name of the quest says - takes you to ICC 5-mans. Is it because these dungeons were added in a later patch? Or have i still not done enough quests to trigger an interaction with Ranger Vorel?

    Thank you for your help in advance.

  2. frostmourne is a progressive and seasonal realm.

    Right now it is at 3.1 patch ( so you need to wait for 3.3 patch to join those instances)

    You can read those info even at character selection screen

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