1. Looking for Twingking information

    Hello Eveyrone

    I m abot to start twinking in this server in 70 ,70-79 range
    I want to ask few things

    How much is twinking active here and in wich realm it is most - Do realms under 80 lvl are crossed
    Are there separated lvl ranges for bg/arenas - 70-70,70-75 ,76-79 etc
    How often bgs happen
    Does arenas happen
    How do you gear - Does raids happen
    Wich faction needs more players

    Any other important information

  2. Twinking is very active at the moment, especially 70-79. If you play horde I would pick Lordaeron, if alliance - Icecrown (since there the most active guilds are). Bgs are crossrealm, so Lord and Icc twinks can play together.
    Lvl ranges are 70-79 for both bgs and arenas (might be wrong about arenas though, never tried it)
    Bgs happen every day, all the time (we got twinks from around the globe so usually you can play bgs at any hour)
    Arenas happen only when you invite other twinks to play it (which happens rarely, as twinks prefer playing bgs, but we've been playing some 5v5 arenas recently, Carried and Rest in Drama guilds together, alliance, Icecrown)
    Raids happen every week on Icecrown, not sure about Lordaeron, since I don't play there.
    My judgement might be biased as I am an alliance player, so obviously I would say that alliance need more players :P You know what they say: "grass is always greener on the other side of the fence". So just pick the side you feel more confortable with. Hope this helps :)
    Edited: August 12, 2020

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